
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Poem #409

A rare love story

Tu est mon a'more (You are my love)
Je suis ton a'more (I am your love)
Adorn sweetly...
By the pressure point of your love
I stray away from you
Distance myself from the image of wanting you
I can no longer breathe
Each word
Staining the carpet from the effortless walks to you
Once I cared
Knowledgeable from the tiniest cuff link you wear
I knew your being
Expressed melodies of Coltrane and Davis spoke to me
Intertwined with each melody
I immensely saw our family
Grow from you and I
Into US
Daydreaming that nightmares did not exist
Because you protected me
Secured my heart with lockets of everlasting
Our youth being the purest free souls
Aligning foundation into soil
They knew how precious it was to hold on to their roots
Writing you an average love story
Would die from being incomplete
I need for you to understand the fight
Yes I fought for you
But who would believe
From the disconnect of feelings
I place my heart on a pedestal
From pain and hurt
It doesn't even exist
Chalk outlined happiness
I wish it was so simple to say
I love you

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