Where I’m From.... written during a workshop with Pauletta Hansel in response to George Ella Lyon
I’m from love and acceptance
Tears are sheltered
And the weak must learn how to rebuild
No suckas in this house
accountability is shut down
By not in my house.
I’m from masks parading around
Because denial is way easier
Than admitting you are wrong
Yet I love you
Being the closest apology you will ever
I’m from reminders of wisdom
Through the soul connected in food
Mac and cheese from scratch expresses the love
Of knowledge of home-cooked
More than a box needing the additive.
I’m from laughter and smiles
Cooking greens seems to always bring family
Through hard times
Even though the heat may be too much
But if you can’t stand the heat
Then get out my kitchen.
I’m from accepting your mistakes
And holding you down during hard times
Judgment being thrown out the door
Because at the end of the day we are family
And must learn to love unconditionally.
Spirits and good deeds
Sprouts during the holidays
While phone calls of
Did you know?
Or did you hear?
Are constant reminders that something is going
on in the family
But no one actually connects with the source.
I’m from hugs
Hugs of peace and recognition
You know and respect your elders
Yes ma’am, and Yes sir
Goes far
This is my safe haven
I don’t have to pretend
Just be
And wouldn’t trade where I’m from
Because it's home.
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