
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Top 10 Poems for Poetry Month

I have picked my top ten poems that range from love, to pain, to happiness, to relief, to forgiveness and acceptance. 

Please leave a comment when you visit to let me know if you enjoy. Follow if you would like to see more from me. I am excited to be here and hope you leave excited to! Happy Poetry Month and I will attempt to do the thirty for thirty beginning tomorrow! 

Read, Write and BE INSPIRED! 

-Signed The Silent Poet đź’“

Poem #410

February 13th, 2017

If I could write a love letter to you
I would tell you how I speak about you constantly
Yet privately I am distant from you
Stacking up emotions of what could have been
When in reality
My rational is incomplete
I support your DNA with grace
Yet shunned through the eyes questioning
How can one raise
Solely on one’s own
Silently a question thrown to the wolves
Since this life is the norm
The matrix covered most of the blue pill
Since 18 years will be covered by shadows of what used to be
18 years of being told that my life is only the reflection of my offspring
That 18 years signify how my dreams will only collide with walls of determination
And proving to the world that they are wrong
Needing motivation as a drug to live
Yes... live... a life that is sentenced to 18 years
And since you are my offspring you are destined to a life sentence
And since you are my offspring your dreams may shatter walls at 15
And since you are my offspring praying that you will not leave me just to be on a pole
Is the only prayer I will know
Because the moment my love died
I was giving my daughter a life sentence of what she could only hope for…
is love
So writing a love letter stops in tracks of misguided attention
Streamed to the world as hate
Yet I’m loving…
Angry at the world for taking a man
Yet I pray to the Man upstairs to protect us from harm
I pray that he will guide me through these storms
He would not put more on me than I can handle
Yet HE never told me that a bullet of words would strike me
And have no compassion for a love that I can only write for
Classified as a gift
So I write love letters
To a love that has died yet left me his extension
With a hotline that needs me to guide them through life
Cradle her with love
Shelter her from triggers of
Through verbal designations
Since Valentine’s Day is merely about candy for a six-year-old girl
Yet I patiently wait for more
More of what love can endure
Yet I sit to write a love letter to you.

Poem #409

A rare love story

Tu est mon a'more (You are my love)
Je suis ton a'more (I am your love)
Adorn sweetly...
By the pressure point of your love
I stray away from you
Distance myself from the image of wanting you
I can no longer breathe
Each word
Staining the carpet from the effortless walks to you
Once I cared
Knowledgeable from the tiniest cuff link you wear
I knew your being
Expressed melodies of Coltrane and Davis spoke to me
Intertwined with each melody
I immensely saw our family
Grow from you and I
Into US
Daydreaming that nightmares did not exist
Because you protected me
Secured my heart with lockets of everlasting
Our youth being the purest free souls
Aligning foundation into soil
They knew how precious it was to hold on to their roots
Writing you an average love story
Would die from being incomplete
I need for you to understand the fight
Yes I fought for you
But who would believe
From the disconnect of feelings
I place my heart on a pedestal
From pain and hurt
It doesn't even exist
Chalk outlined happiness
I wish it was so simple to say
I love you

Poem #408

My love is strong
Just like
With a hint of sugar
To tickle my funny bone
Imagination runs wild
From the misconception
A future added through timeless years
Built by the presence of you
Old love clouds my judgement
Through friendship and good laughs
Never tainted
The touch of your cheek
Melted into our everlasting
I'm kept close
Hugs turned into eternity
Well maybe just a reflection
My thoughts hold tight to your smile
Almost captured in safe havens
Locked away 
Only flutter to your heartbeat
Replicating my first love
With a twist
Because this existence is different
Yet I'm prepared
Set and ready
To learn you
Be open minded to your ways
Flaws that fluster my days
Yet I can’t stay away
Gaining a crush through every connection made
Baby, understand you had me by the eyes
You are a consistent memory
That I try to hide
Because no one needs to know
How bittersweet
Your friendship is to me
Giving me such security
That you will always be here
My love is strong
Just like coffee...Black….With a hint of sugar. 

Poem #407

Where I’m From.... written during a workshop with Pauletta Hansel in response to George Ella Lyon

I’m from love and acceptance
Tears are sheltered
And the weak must learn how to rebuild
No suckas in this house
 Where accountability is shut down
By not in my house.

I’m from masks parading around
Because denial is way easier
Than admitting you are wrong
Yet I love you
Being the closest apology you will ever receive.

I’m from reminders of wisdom
Through the soul connected in food
Mac and cheese from scratch expresses the love
Of knowledge of home-cooked
More than a box needing the additive.

I’m from laughter and smiles
Cooking greens seems to always bring family together
Through hard times
Even though the heat may be too much
But if you can’t stand the heat
Then get out my kitchen.

I’m from accepting your mistakes
And holding you down during hard times
Judgment being thrown out the door
Because at the end of the day we are family
And must learn to love unconditionally.

Spirits and good deeds
Sprouts during the holidays
While phone calls of
Did you know?
Or did you hear?
Are constant reminders that something is going on in the family
But no one actually connects with the source.

I’m from hugs
Hugs of peace and recognition
You know and respect your elders
Yes ma’am, and Yes sir
Goes far

This is my safe haven
I don’t have to pretend
Just be
And wouldn’t trade where I’m from
Because it's home.

Poem #406

Wrap your heavenly wings around my physique. Compress your flesh upon mine. And (hold on). Cling to me like memories of the fallen, remind me of what a functioning heartbeat feels like,
(Be Silent). --Atlas

I’m sorry I neglected your heart.
Not allowing you to freely exchange
Who you are through the pain
I was just raising you
Doing my best with what I had
And I know that holding myself accountable
Takes time and reflecting
I’m a mother nonetheless
But raising a son alone was never my quest
I wanted a man to show you
What I thought I could handle
But life escapes those that once loved
So I became complacent and determined
At the same time
Refusing to listen to the naysayers of what I can’t do
And became blind
Your expectations of what you needed me to be
Became the reality of what I fed my hunger
Only to satisfy my guilty conscience
Yet in order to breathe, you have to live
And in order to walk, you have to move
So I became a shell
Never processing of how you would grow up to be
Rather knowing I created a man in my reflection
While rejecting your vulnerability
Layering you with only the labels that cripples our being
Yet I need you to come here
And sit
Be still in this tiring time and realize that i never meant to neglect nor reject
I just need you to look into my eyes and know
I’m sorry.

Poem #405

A mother’s cry

My heart goes out to every mother who has lost a son to gun violence
My heart goes out to every mother who has lost a son to police brutality
My heart goes out to every mother who has lost a child
My heart goes out
To every bullet that has been pulled back
With fault of fear
Of a skin color that was not chosen by the fallen
Mind triggered the minute I walk out of my door
I am a walking biblical verse
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Surrounded by angels,
Pain only exists in the eyes
Of the ones who can't protect me
Pain only exists in the eyes
Of those marching on the front lines
Pain only exists
Who will hold my mother in this trying time
Who will console her
Who will give her peace
While reliving the incident
With a conclusion already written
Another damn moment
Repetitive language
Slurred in anguish
Scripted grammar
This dialogue only awaits the hearts of those fighting freedom
Yet this fight has been going on for so long
We fight
Blinded by failed pretenses
Failed system
That we get yelled at for our votes
But I'm still awaiting an education
Promised through masters and whippings
God forbid me knowing more than I should
Yet another mother will be in tears
Another grievance
Another not guilty

Poem # 404

On reflection of my artistic ways, I look into the life of being a woman and the imagination of how to embrace the beauty that one is given. Ending Phillis Wheatley’s poem at “triumph song,” I want the audience to hear my “song” of embracing the beauty of self. Once you see and feel the words of encouragement from yourself, you won’t have to search for it from anyone else. “On Imagination” and “She is Beauty” take on the spirit of inspiration and being triumphant.

On imagination
THY various works, imperial queen, we see
How bright their forms! How deck’d with pomp by thee!
Thy wond’rous acts in beauteous order stand
And all attest how potent is thine hand
From Helicon’s refulgent heights attend
Ye sacred choir, and my attempts befriend;
To tell her glories with a faithful tongue
Ye blooming graces, triumph in my song.
—Phillis Wheatley

She is beautiful
Scarred with unmarked flaws
Sterilized with damaged goods
All she ever wanted was a hug
Mixed with the temptation of love
But instead she got lust with no glove
Penetrated words of how she would be mentally struck by any man
Because he held her beauty in the cups of his hands
Never grasping that she holds the title of her self-worth
She is beautiful
Timeless effort
Being the dream
With eyes open
Make up cascading
The essence of her soul
Awaiting approval from any man
Rejecting the thought that love even from her lack thereof
She is beautiful
Mirrors talking back to her
Labeling herself as the fat chick
Plastering more pills
Into a dying gestation
Trying to compete with her inner thin
Not realizing she will kill her
Before she learns what beauty is
Yes she is beautiful
Crafted to be resilient
Holding her strength by the fingertips
Tears painting murals of attention
Failed to be given
Yet she represents beauty in its rarest form
Milestones built through triumphs
She holds her own crown
Fixated on misguided self
Who can truly tell her that she shines?
While radiance screams Queen
Yes, you are Beautiful!
Take hold of who you are
Appreciate your flaws
Take control of who you are
Know that beauty lies within you
No need to search for it
Just embrace it
And be proud to say

Poem #403

Pearls of Truth
I stand alone
naked to the eye
Wishing for a reply
arms out
a teardrop gracefully sliding down my cheek
how can one question this beauty
so i opened my mouth
to let myself know
dear reflection
I love you!

Picture by: Chloe' (my daughter)

Poem #402

with lyrics from Lift Every Voice & Sing and The Star Spangled Banner

Lift every voice and sing
How can one honor a land that captured my ancestors before knowing they could be free?
Yet tears shed for those chosen to fight for freedom
Because they are told they are brave
Blood shed on the very land represented by each stripe
Paraded by stars that slaves wished upon to be freed
Yet I'm supposed to be free
Laughed upon because I barely know my history
Which was pushed, held back
And the only representation you have of me
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
But I'm free
So Black History Month celebrates pride upon those who came before us
Malcolm X
Those who found our freedom
Harriet Tubman
Those who showed us we could be anything we want to be
President Barack Obama
So yes I'm free
With a voice of not only hope and faith
But doing the work that needs to be done
Well by being the minority
Yet I can do anything
Because of those who went through the trials and tribulations to prove
Planting this seed of possibility can come true
So yes I'm free
I don't need to be handled by negro spirituals, or whippings, or work that paved the way for me to stand here FREE
Enlightenment of freedom
This soil, this cotton, the breeding of your animals, land
Which in hindsight is mine
My ancestors did the work
So I could find pride in this land
So yes I’m free
There is no need to explain a pain that reflects your humanity
African American
Yet my heritage is unknown
Black being the shade that reflects my representation
Negro turned Negro turned Nigger turned back to Nigga
A term of endearment
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us;
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us
Facing the raising of our new day begun
Reflectively stated, see I'm that generation
Not afraid to hold back my tongue
Knowing that our ancestors wanted more than RIP shirts and us mourning the deaths of those with their hands up
Turning in their grave due to the marches they hear
Knowing we should be One
And not divided
Yet the Revolution is being Televised
And shared, going viral
So we are the demise of taking two steps forward just to go backwards
Trumping a civilization
With anger and hate
Yet I was taught love
Being told I am not from here
But I was born here
Being told that I am ignorant
Yet my education exceeds yours
But I was taught love
Nothing can break me
Because we were built strong
Nothing can break me
Because I was taught faith
Nothing can break me
Because I stand on the land of the free
Nothing can break me
I will not be broken by one man
Because I know we are equal
So as I stand
Over the land of the free
I will be brave.

Poem #401

When my heart beats, I am reminded that life has been given to me to LIVE! 
I know the circle of life, therefore I don’t wait on it…
I know the circle of life, therefore we are not destined our next breath…
I know the circle of life, so as I wake with arms stretched and yawn with the blessings of the sunshine (I’m too lazy to wake before it rises) I understand the beauty. 
You can’t predict your future, but YOU can create your day so LIVE! 
Why stick boundaries on your life or others? 
You can’t organize your feelings to embrace freedom so why indulge in others? 
Give yourself a break from depression and live. 
Give yourself a break from boundaries and love. 
Give yourself a break from reality and DREAM! 
No one can tell you how to grieve or how to let your emotions flow. 
Yet the moment you can feel freedom from the lows and embrace the highs,
 I acknowledge that THIS MOMENT…this moment brings harmony to your soul. 
Feel free to fly. It’s ok. I promise.

When the wind blows
When the wind blows
I will not shudder from discomfort
Waiting for warmth to appear
For Mother Nature wants me to know she is near.
When the wind blows
I will embrace the feeling of freedom
Flying gracefully beside
Taking away all of my lows
While lifting me high.
When the wind blows
I want to feel peace
Acknowledge the ability to breathe in life
As its purpose will bring hope to lifeless moments
That try to keep me still.
When the wind blows
I will fly away
Take each step
Weightless, loving, appreciative
That this wind chose me.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter

Facebook: Desirae Hosley
Instagram: @iamthesilentpoet
Twitter: @SilentPoet26

Allow me to re-introduce myself...

They Call Me The Silent Poet...

But many know me as Desirae. 

I am here to be honest and vulnerable. 

I am here to be transparent. 

I am here to just be... 

As an artist who is sensitive about her sh... 

I would love for you to embrace my words and know 

That the light will shine on the other side

I just want to be a piece of that light đź’“

(Please comment and let me know if you like a poem or would like to share)