
Sunday, April 5, 2020

30 for 30 Take 4

Word of the Day: GROCERIES

This poem is dedicated to Your Store of the Queen City.

"Even when we can't get too close-
we rise to the challenge.
Together we make sure
everyone has their groc-eries to
stay in balance." -- Reba Hennessey (President, Founder at Your Store of the Queen City)

Grateful for the youth who are on the front-lines
     shopping for the ones who are at-risk

Respectfully getting essential needs

Our communities creatively feeding the young

Children feeling the bond with their families
       as Parents take this time staying-at-home

Even with uncertainty

Rising to the challenge of community learning;
     cooks at home; supporting our small businesses

In a time that makes us remember that the arts are important to
    push your mind and widen your horizon that you are not alone

Especially when the world is sitting calm

Safely washing our hands
      while keeping our distance; in time we will not feel alone.

Signed ~ The Silent Poet 💓


  1. Swallows

    All the birds that fly past these days
    Have their mouths full.

    They carry anything woody
    Fluffy stringy. Anything at all and

    I know better but I call them all swallows:
    Dreams balanced tenderly in their beaks

    Tiny eyes clear as they wing to some
    As yet nonexistent but envisioned home

    I never get to see. Will they? I swallow
    My coffee walking my shepherd who

    Follows the birds with her ears
    Wondering why they are always leaving

    Just as soon as she turns to look.
    Her world is full of such near misses. And mine.

    All the birds these days
    Are swift and songless

    Carrying carefully so carefully
    And like me they will be careful

    Not to swallow or speak until they get to where
    Their heavy dreams can be laid down.

    April 4, 2020
