
Friday, April 3, 2020

30 for 30 Take 3

Word of the Day: HOMELESSNESS

This poem is dedicated to Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition.

"We're in this together"
Yet where are you?
Stay safe 
Has become a phrase 
To common to Uncertainty
Yet those that are in "Lock-down" 
Barely fear the unknown 
When was the last time shelter in place 
Took food from your home 
When was the last time shelter in place 
Paused a normal reality
When was the last time shelter in place 
Meant to relax and take a pause
When was the last time shelter in place 
Made you think 
that the phrase pay check to pay check 
will no longer hold
"We're in this together" 
Burns to the eye sockets 
Of those knowing there is no home
Money running low 
But the country is willing to stimulate
where is that gold mine 
no one really knows 
yet the poor is suppose to continue betting 
on the rich 
powerball running low 
so why not try your luck 
"We're in this together" 
As the poor becomes cold
Remember its Spring time outside.

Poem dedicated to Mark Mussman. 
#30for30 #NationalPoetryMonth #poetry #homelessness #spokenword #thesilentpoetout  

1 comment:

  1. (I wrote this before I saw your word of the day!)

    Part of Maria's Poem

    a response to Maria Howe's "Part of Eve's Discussion"

    It was like the moment when a dog decides not to sleep at your feet,
    and puts herself on the opposite side of the room, the moment the trees seem too still
    and you remember they always rustle, at least a little, as when
    a flock of sparrows fling themselves from a wire at once, and it reels,
    very much like the moment when you, lost in thought at a stoplight, see
    the lifted weight, and the sparrows like ink pouring into the bowl
    of the sky, and the wire humming still, and you are both the sparrow and the wire, or like
    the moment you remembered your lover turning away,
    it was like that, and after that, it was still like that, only
    all the time.
